optional: scrub data from network requests and responses.

optional - boolean

Disable logging of all network data.

// Add this to your existing init call, do not call init twice!
LogRocket.init(YOUR_APP_ID, {
  network: {
    isEnabled: false,

optional - function

Use requestSanitizer to scrub sensitive data from network requests or to ignore request/response pairs.

To ignore a request/response pair return null from the requestSanitizer. You can also redact fields on the request object by modifying the object. Make sure that you still return the modified request from the function:

// Add this to your existing init call, do not call init twice!
LogRocket.init(YOUR_APP_ID, {
  network: {
    requestSanitizer: request => {
      // if the url contains 'ignore'
      if (request.url.toLowerCase().indexOf('ignore') !== -1) {
        // ignore the request response pair
        return null;
      // otherwise log the request normally
      return request;
// Add this to your existing init call, do not call init twice!
LogRocket.init(YOUR_APP_ID, {
  network: {
    requestSanitizer: request => {
      // if the url contains 'ignore'
      if (request.url.toLowerCase().indexOf('ignore') !== -1) {
        // scrub out the body
        request.body = null;
      return request;
// Add this to your existing init call, do not call init twice!
LogRocket.init(YOUR_APP_ID, {
   network: {
     requestSanitizer: request => {
       request.headers['x-auth-token'] = null;
       return request;
// Add this to your existing init call, do not call init twice!
LogRocket.init(YOUR_APP_ID, {
  network: {
    requestSanitizer: request => {
      if (request.headers['x-auth-token']) {
        request.headers['x-auth-token'] = '';
      return request;

optional - function

Use the responseSanitizer to redact sensitive data from network response. Return null from the function to redact all response fields and only record timing data.

// Add this to your existing init call, do not call init twice!
LogRocket.init(YOUR_APP_ID, {
   network: {
     responseSanitizer: response => {
       response.body = null;
       return response;
// Add this to your existing init call, do not call init twice!
LogRocket.init(YOUR_APP_ID, {
   network: {
     responseSanitizer: response => {
       return null;



Joshua Bailey, a LogRocket user, contributed a plugin for more easily sanitizing data from network requests and responses. Check it out here: https://github.com/LogRocket/logrocket-fuzzy-search-sanitizer