Capture Console Logs

Control how LogRocket treats different methods of the console API

By default, LogRocket logs the following methods of the console API:

  • console.log()
  • console.debug()
  • console.warn()
  • console.error()

If you'd like to log data but not have it appear in the browser console while developing, you can call any of these methods:

LogRocket.log('foo', { bar: 'baz' });

LogRocket's console capture can be modified with the options below.

Disable Console Logging

isEnabled - Boolean

optional (default - true)

Disable this boolean to prevent logging of console data to LogRocket.

LogRocket.init(YOUR_APP_ID, {
  console: {
    isEnabled: false,

You can also disable specific console methods by setting the method name to be false. By default, all methods will be logged unless explicitly set to false.

// This will log all, console.warn, and console.error calls.
LogRocket.init(YOUR_APP_ID, {
  console: {
    isEnabled: {
      log: false,
      debug: false, 