Identify Users (iOS)

Identify users within your iOS Native application

Associate a user identifier with the active user. You can use any string that uniquely identifies the user of your application such as a database ID, an email, or a username.

SDK.identify(userID: "28dvm2jfa")
[LROSDK identifyWithUserID:@"28dvm2jfa" userInfo:@{}]

User traits can be added with a map as the second argument to SDK.identify.

SDK.identify(userID: "28dvm2jfa", [
  "name": "Jane Smith",
  "email": "",
  "favoriteColor": "blue",
[LROSDK identifyWithUserID:@"28dvm2jfa", userInfo:@{
  "name": "Jane Smith",
  "email": "",
  "favoriteColor": "blue",