React Plugin

The LogRocket React plugin allows you to filter for sessions where the user clicks a specific component in your React app. The npm repository can be found here.

Clicked on Component Failure Model
  1. Install the LogRocket React package based on your React version.
// If using React 18
npm i --save logrocket-react@6

// If using React 17
npm i --save logrocket-react@5

// If using React 16.10
npm i --save logrocket-react@4

// If using React 16.5 - 16.9
npm i --save logrocket-react@3

// If using React 16.4
npm i --save logrocket-react@2

// If using React <16.4
npm i --save logrocket-react@1

// If using React 0.14.0 or React 15:
npm i --save logrocket-react@^0.0.5
  1. For the LogRocket React plugin to work properly, your components will need to have a .displayName property on them populated with the component's name - regardless of whether it's a class- or function-based component. This allows our React plugin to find and display a name for the component when JS compilers, such as Babel, would otherwise minify and remove the names. There are multiple ways to do this, ranging from manually adding in the properties to finding/creating plugins for the compiler you use. Example plugins follow.
    1. Babel Add the babel-plugin-transform-react-display-name plugin to your Babel config. This official Babel plugin replaces an old plugin used for Babel 6.
npm i --save @babel/plugin-transform-react-display-name
  presets: [ ... ],
  plugins: ["@babel/plugin-transform-react-display-name"],
  1. Call LogRocket with the logrocket-react package.
import LogRocket from 'logrocket';
import setupLogRocketReact from 'logrocket-react';

// after calling LogRocket.init()

That's it! You can now filter for sessions which contain clicks on specific React components. See Understanding User Flows for more information on using LogRocket to understand your customer experience.


To use the LogRocket React plugin with a server-side rendering framework, such as Next.js, you'll need to do the setup in client code. See Using LogRocket with server-side rendering for more details.