Track custom information or user actions in your Flutter app
LogRocket Flutter support is currently in Alpha
Use the Custom Events API to track custom event measurements about your users' in-app behavior.
await LogRocket.track(LogRocketCustomEventBuilder('testEvent'));
You can then search for sessions containing these events using a Custom Event filter in the LogRocket Dashboard:

You can optionally provide additional properties that will be associated with the event. All supported property types are listed here:
var event = LogRocketCustomEventBuilder('testEvent');
event.putInt("productSku", 488736929);
event.putString("productCategory", "Clothing");
event.putBool("couponApplied", true);
event.putDouble("unitWeight", 1.2);
event.putListString("customerSegments", ["aef34b", "97cb20"]);
event.putListInt("quantities", [1, 8, 12]);
event.putListBool("quantityShipsFree", [false, true, true]);
event.putListDouble("discounts", [1.99, 2.99]);
await LogRocket.track(event);
There are a few limits to keep in mind when providing properties to Custom Events:
- Property names must be under 100 characters.
- A maximum of 2000 properties may be uploaded per session. Properties over this limit will not be recorded.
'Revenue' Property
The 'revenue' property is a special property that you can use to pass data into our funnels. For more information, see here.