Capture Exceptions and Errors

Add exceptions into the LogRocket dashboard for iOS

Manually surface exceptions and errors

Use Logger.captureException() to manually report an exception in your application. 3 different exception and error types can be captured.

  1. NSExceptions - The captured exception will include the stack frames included with the NSException object.
[LROLogger captureExceptionWithException:exception];
  1. NSError - The captured exception will include the stack frames of where captureException was called and not where the error occurred, as NSError objects do not include stack frames.
[LROLogger captureExceptionWithError:error];
  1. Error - The captured exception will include the stack frames of where captureException was called and not where the error occurred, as Error objects do not include stack frames.
Logger.captureException(error: error)  

// For Example:
enum TestError: Error {
  case runtimeError(String)

do {
  throw TestError.runtimeError("My exception")
} catch {
  Logger.captureException(error: error)