Tracking Update IDs

Instructions for associating Expo Update IDs to LogRocket session replays.

If you are utilizing's Expo's EAS Update service then you can follow these instructions to be able to view and filter by the specific Expo Update version used in session recordings.

NOTE: Update ID tracking using the LogRocket mobile SDK requires using a version of 1.42.2 or higher.

Configure Update ID

When initializing the LogRocket SDK pass the current Update ID into the updateId config setting:

import * as Updates from 'expo-updates';
import LogRocket from '@logrocket/react-native';
LogRocket.init('<APP_SLUG', {
  // Other config options
  updateId: Updates.updateId

View Update ID

If the updateId config is set to a non-empty value in the LogRocket SDK then the Release version associated with recordings will be a concatenation of the native app version and the Expo Update ID. For example, if the native app version is 1.0.0 and the Expo Update ID being used is c4eb13d7-d50e-4d80-b2ac-943d25a4c3b4 then the Release version will display as 1.0.0#c4eb13d7-d50e-4d80-b2ac-943d25a4c3b4 in session replays.

Release version with Update ID

Filter by Update ID

You can find sessions that use a specific Update ID by using the Release filter when searching for sessions. Enter the release version as seen in the session replay (ex. 1.0.0#c4eb13d7-d50e-4d80-b2ac-943d25a4c3b4) to filter down sessions with that specific Update ID:

Determine the Release Version from the Expo Dashboard

Within your Expo dashboard on, select the Project that you are working on. Then in the Project navigation menu, expand the Updates section and select the Update Groups page. On the Update Groups page select the update that you are interested in and on the page for that Update Group you will be able to find the Runtime Version and the platform-specific Update ID. The Release version recorded in LogRocket is in the format of RUNTIME_VERSION#UPDATE_ID.

Link to a list of all sessions for an Update ID

If you'd like to a link to a list of all sessions for a specific Update ID from within another tool, then determine the corresponding Release Version value using the directions in the previous section and then construct a URL like this and embed it into your other platforms:

If you want to link to a list of all sessions for multiple Update IDs (for example if you want a list of sessions for a single Update Group on both iOS and Android) then set the r query parameter to a comma-separated list of the specific release versions:,RELEASE_VERSION_2

NOTE: Since the Release Version values are being passed as query string parameters in a URL, it is important to URL encode those values before using or embedding the link to ensure the filters are pre-populated correctly.