LogRocket Feedback allows you to quickly get ratings and feedback directly from your end users without any additional instrumentation. This is purchasable as an add-on on top of your base contract. You can trial and purchase within the dashboard.
Navigate to the Feedback tab within your dashboard.
Here, you can set up different surveys and view responses that your users have submitted. To get started, click '+ Add Survey' in the top righthand corner.
This will open up the survey creation pane. First, give your survey a name. Then, you can define targets using LogRocket filters to define when you want this survey to appear for your users as well as the survey type and location it will appear for your end users.

You can select one or more filters to specify the segment of users who should see the survey. For example, you may want to target only desktop users who visit a particular page. In this case, you could stack your filters as shown below:

You can combine multiple filters as desired.
You can also specify a Targeting Percentage for the filters. This allows you to designate a percentage of the audience matching the filters that will receive the survey. For example, given the filters above, if you choose to set a Target Percentage of 50%, then half of the users who visit the URL containing 'home' and are on a Desktop device will see the survey.

Targeting filters
You must specify at least one filter as part of the targeting criteria
Persistent Widget Option

This option causes your survey to be visible to the user as a persistent tab in the bottom left of your application. Users will be able to click the tab at any time to provide rating and/or feedback as desired, submit it, and close it to return the survey box to its minimized state. They can provide feedback multiple times.
This is a great option for users who are interested in collecting ongoing, passive feedback from their users.
Survey Creation
LogRocket currently supports one or two-step surveys. A one-step survey is simply a question with a blank text box for the user to submit their feedback. A two-step survey includes a 0-10 rating scale for the user to fill out before the text box. You can customize the text shown for both options.
You can sign up to be proactively notified about new submissions to your survey. We offer the option of a daily email summary of any new submissions as well as realtime Slack notifications.
You can copy and append the preview parameters on your own website to see exactly what your end users will see. We currently don't support any style or position customization.

Once you save a survey, it will be in a Deactivated state. You'll need to activate it by returning to the main Feedback page listing your current surveys and clicking the 'Activate' link next to the survey name.
Survey appearance
The survey will continue to appear for users until they either complete or close it. Once it's been completed or closed, users will no longer be able to access the survey, even if they return to the same page in a new session.
Reviewing Submissions
To review user submissions for each survey, just click the survey name to be taken to a list of all user feedback. You'll see a rating (if applicable), any text entered in the input box, and a link to the exact LogRocket session in which the feedback was submitted.

You have the option to export a list of submissions as a CSV by clicking the icon in the upper right corner.
Feedback Rating Filter
If you are using Feedback, you will also have access to a filter that you can use to search for sessions that have submitted specific ratings. You can use this filter in metrics as well as session search.

Feedback Timeseries Percentile

If you are a Professional plan user, you'll also be able create charts within Metrics based on Feedback data. Within the Timeseries metric type, you'll see an option for 'Feedback Rating'. This will allow you to chart the average rating for a specific survey over time and see trends.

Updated about 2 months ago