Using LogRocket with Ember CLI

Installing the SDK

Install the LogRocket SDK using NPM

npm install --save logrocket

If using ember-cli v2.15 or higher

This version added the ability to load modules from NPM without installing a separate plugin. In your ember-cli-build.js file add the following:

app.import('node_modules/logrocket/dist/build.umd.js', {
  using: [
    { transformation: 'amd', as: 'logrocket' }

If using an older version of ember-cli

Install ember-browserify to allow ember-cli to load CommonJS modules.

npm install --save-dev ember-browserify

Then simply import LogRocket normally:

import LogRocket from 'logrocket';

Installing Plugins

Use the above installation instructions to install any LogRocket plugin package when using Ember-CLI.