New Relic
LogRocket offers a two-way integration with New Relic.
Add New Relic APM link within LogRocket
With our New Relic APM integration, you can jump directly from an issue in a network request on the frontend into your backend traces to help you uncover the root of an issue faster.
Visit the "Settings" page in LogRocket and click "Integrations". Scroll down to find the New Relic card and follow the instructions in-app to enable this integration. You will need to input your account and application IDs to configure this integration.
Once enabled, you will see a link to New Relic from within a network request in LogRocket:

This links you to a list of relevant logs within New Relic, with search parameters matching the timeframe, status code, and duration of the selected network request. You must be logged into New Relic to view the list.
View LogRocket sessions from New Relic APM
Add the LogRocket session URL as a header to your API calls which have New Relic APM installed:
var recordingURL;
LogRocket.getSessionURL(function(sessionURL) {
recordingURL = sessionURL;
// example API call
fetch(someAPICallhere, {
headers: {
// other headers
'X-LogRocket-URL': recordingURL,
New Relic Browser
You can add the LogRocket URL to PageView events by using the setCustomAttribute method on the New Relic Browser SDK:
logrocket.getSessionURL(sessionURL => {
newrelic.setCustomAttribute('logrocket_url', sessionURL);
You can then query those PageView events using New Relic Insights and quickly find the relevant LogRocket session.
Updated about 2 months ago