Galileo Funnel Insights

AI-Powered Conversion Insights

About Funnel Insights

Funnel Insights is an AI-powered feature that summarizes the behavior of non-converting users so that you can quickly understand drop-off and improve conversion.

Galileo will "watch" a sample of non-converting sessions. It will categorize the sessions it watches into "insights" which represent the common behavior exhibited in the sessions. Each "insight" will describe the users behavior and provide links to the relevant sessions. As such, you can quickly find and understand undesirable behaviors and make changes in your application to discourage unwanted patterns.

How to Access Funnel Insights

  1. Visit an existing funnel you have previously created. (Not sure where to start? See these docs for how to create a Conversion Funnel.)
  2. Click "Generate Insights" to start loading results.
  3. Click the insights you are interested in to view their sessions and explore users that exhibited that behavior.

Watch Sessions

For each insight, Galileo will surface a list of sessions where the users exhibit the described behavior so you can watch the experience and understand its impact. To do so:

  1. Find an insight of interest to you
  2. Click the expandable section below the insight as seen below
  3. Press play on the first session in the list to watch the session

How does Funnel Insights handle customer data/privacy?

When watching sessions, Galileo sees exactly what you would see, so any elements or fields you’ve redacted will not be considered in the Insights. Additionally, LogRocket never uses customer-identifiable data to train its models, and both LogRocket and our downstream providers (OpenAI and Google Cloud Platform) are fully compliant with common data protection regulations. For more information, read this doc.