What Defines a Session?
LogRocket JavaScript Web SDK
A session is a series of user interactions on your site, beginning with the first page they visit and ending with either:
a.) a period of inactivity lasting longer than 30 minutes, or
b.) after the user has navigated away from your app for more than 2 minutes. This includes closing the tab or navigating to a different domain on the tab.
"Activity" is defined as any user mouse movement, clicks, or scrolls.
As an example, if your user visits your landing page, then your app, and then refreshes the page all within 30 minutes of each other without closing the tab, the entire experience is recorded in a single session. If the user returns back to your site after another hour, a new session recording starts from the moment that they do the first action.
LogRocket sessions also support recording across multiple tabs, so a user opening a link in your app in a new tab will count as the same session. This means that if your app is running in multiple tabs, each tab would need to be navigated away from in order to end a session after 2 minutes. Otherwise, it wouldn't end until a period of inactivity across all tabs lasting longer than 30 minutes.
LogRocket Native Mobile SDKs
Like the JavaScript Web SDK, a session is a series of user interactions on your app, beginning with the first page they visit and ending under any of the following conditions:
a.) The user leaves your app for more than 5 minutes
b.) The session reaches 24 hours in length
Session Continuation on Native Mobile Apps
If the user leaves your app but returns within 5 minutes, the session will continue with a marker to indicate that the app was re-opened
Updated 19 days ago