Use Selectors for Mobile Sessions

Identify selectors and filter sessions with selectors

Filtering by selectors

LogRocket automatically captures every user interaction with your application - allowing you to search retroactively for sessions where users interacted with specific buttons or screens.

To search for sessions, use the "Clicked on Selector" filter as shown below:

Components of a View Selector for Android Native - Views

Selectors are generated from hierarchical view details and support a subset of the CSS specification syntax.

#resource-idview.getResources().getResourceName(view.getId())Only the portion after id/ is captured.
.tag-textview.getTag()Only instances of String are captured.

For example, given an EditText with this definition:

    ... />

the following Selector would be generated:


Components of a View Selector for Android Native - Jetpack Compose

Jetpack Compose views are rendered in 3 phases. The Layout phase defines where UI elements are placed on the screen. When users interact with an element on screen, they are interacting with a node in the Layout Tree. The LogRocket SDK defines Selectors based on the node types and modifiers in the Layout Tree.

NodeNameClass name of the Layout node's measure policy
.testTagValue provided in .testTag() ModifierObject values are converted to String by calling .toString()
#idValue provided in .layoutId() ModiferObject values are converted to String by calling .toString()


// This Compose element can be referenced in LogRocket with selector:
//   TextController.HeaderText#abc123
  text = "My App",
  modifier = Modifier.testTag("HeaderText").layoutId("abc123")

The equivalent values for other platforms are listed below:

Components of a View Selector for iOS Native

Elementtype(of: view)View class name - same as android native
#resource-idview.accessibilityIdentifierAccessibility identifier assigned to the view

Components of a View Selector for iOS Native - SwiftUI

SwiftUI is a declarative front end framework that handles the lifecycle management of the UIKit views that are ultimately rendered to represent the Views defined in the SwiftUI application. As such, much of the view lifecycle capture that LogRocket does is relatively opaque from the SwiftUI application's implementation. We still capture the same details about the view hierarchy produced by SwiftUI as we would for a UIKit application, but also offer a means of manually applying a class string at the SwiftUI View implementation level to allow easier mapping of captured UIViews to their corresponding SwiftUI Views.

Elementtype(of: view)Where view is the UIKit representation of the SwiftUI view that is ultimately rendered in the application
#classValue provided in .lrAddClass() ViewModifier
#idview.tagWhere view is the UIKit representation of the SwiftUI view that is ultimately rendered in the application


// This SwiftUI View can be referenced in LogRocket with selector:
//   #abc123
Text("My App").lrAddClass("abc123")

For information about SwiftUI, see our SwiftUI documentation

Components of a View Selector for React Native - Android Devices

Elementview.getClass().getSimpleName()This is not the React element name, but the native view that React uses to render
#resource-idN/AResources only apply to Android Native

Components of a View Selector for React Native - iOS Devices

ElementiOS View Class Name
#resource-idthe accessibilityIdentifier assigned to the view
.tag-textis an automated "tag" that is generated for list items indicating their element position.

Querying Selectors

For each touch event, or 'click', a hierarchy of views is computed from the touched view to the top view of the Activity. The following forms of querying are supported:

  • Single element: Button -- will match any Button element.
  • Specific ID: #signin -- will match any view with a Resource ID of "signin"
  • Specific Tag: .tag-value -- will match any view with that tag text
  • Combined selectors: an element may be followed by either or both of a Specific ID and Specific Tag.
  • Nesting: multiple selectors may be separated by a space, and will enforce a mathing hierarchy.
  • Child Of: a selector in the form of a > b matches any view b that is a direct child of the view a.