Metrics Insights
Funnel Insights
LogRocket Funnel Insights proactively provide information about why the conversion within a specific funnel may be suffering. It works by analyzing the sessions which have not completed the funnel (or a specific step) to automatically provide you with insights and potential issues which have affected those sessions.
These insights are available for individual funnels within the chart view.

Within the detail view of each funnel, you will notice two tables underneath. The Sessions list on the left displays a list of all sessions which started but did not complete the funnel. To the bottom right, you will see the Funnel Insights table.
This lists specific issues such as Rage Clicks, Dead Clicks, Exceptions, and Network Errors that we believe may have affected the conversion within your funnel. The number in the Conversion Rate Impact shows the amount of sessions that we believe did not complete the funnel due to this specific issue. The severity shown for each issue group is determined by machine learning and is useful for prioritizing which issues to address first. For more information, see LogRocket Severity Scores.
You can then click into each issue to view a list of sessions which have experienced that particular issue.

You can also click on any step within the funnel to view the insights for users who have dropped off at that particular step, rather than viewing the funnel as a whole.
Timeseries Insights
Timeseries Insights appear on Conversion Rate Timeseries charts. Using similar data science to the Funnel Insights, we are now able to provide you with insights about what helped or hurt.
The issues tab shows you a list of issues that we have noticed are affecting users who spent less than two minutes on that page. The positive signals tab shows actions we have noticed improve conversion in a meaningful way.

You can click through on each issue or signal to view a list of the sessions that have experienced the issue.
Updated about 2 months ago